You have questions? We have answers.

What is the Bravos!?

The BRAVOS! is an Employee Engagement Award originating from Belgium, designed to build an engaged community focused on solving the complex issue of employee engagement. Candidates participate in a six-month journey, developing cases to pitch to two juries, showcasing their innovative engagement practices.

Who can apply to be a candidate in the BRAVOS!?

We welcome applications from companies interested in showcasing their employee engagement strategies. If your organization is committed to creating a positive work environment and innovative engagement solutions, you are encouraged to apply.

What is the structure of the BRAVOS!?

The BRAVOS! spans six months and includes three lab sessions where candidates, jurors, coaches, and sponsors gather to share insights and experiences. The process culminates in a gala dinner where finalists present their cases to the juries and winners are celebrated. 

What are the benefits of participating in the BRAVOS!?

Candidates benefit from:

  • Belonging to a community focused on sharing, learning, and making an impact in employee engagement.
  • Networking with industry experts, next-gen leaders, and peers.
  • Receiving valuable feedback from experienced jurors and coaches.
  • Gaining visibility for their company and engagement initiatives.
  • The opportunity to be featured on a TV quality show if they reach the finals.

How are candidates evaluated?

Candidates are evaluated based on the innovation, impact, and scalability of their employee engagement practices. The evaluation is conducted during pitch sessions by two distinct juries: the Expert Jury and the Next Gen Jury.

What are the key dates I need to be aware of?

   Case Deadline: October

   Lab Sessions: May, September, and October

   Pitch Sessions and Gala Dinner: November

How can I apply to be a candidate in the BRAVOS!?

You can apply by completing this form. One of our facilitators will have an intake call with you to discuss if you are eligible.

Can I attend the labs if I am not a candidate?

While the labs are primarily aimed at current candidates, coaches, and jurors, we welcome potential candidates to attend the first session to learn more about the program and decide if they wish to apply. For the subsequent labs, registration is typically reserved for confirmed participants and special guests, but interested parties can contact us for more information on availability and participation.

How can I prepare for the pitch sessions?

Candidates are advised to utilize their coaching sessions, engage actively in the labs, and seek feedback from peers and mentors. Preparing a clear, impactful presentation that highlights the effectiveness of your engagement strategy is crucial.

What happens at the gala dinner?

The gala dinner is the culminating event where cases of the finalists are presented. It is a celebration of the best practices in employee engagement, with awards given to outstanding initiatives.